Saturday, September 17, 2016


Is it just me or is the potential or actual fact of your friends moving away terribly saddening to you too.

My friend was saying that she might want to move up to Washington later on in her academic "career". Another pal is moving to Pennslyvannia to be closer to her true love. My ex bff moved to fucking Maine without a word. A girl I love and have known since 3rd grade is in love with NYC (specifically Manhattan) and I know one day (sooner rather than later) I'll loose her to the city. Needless to say EVERYONE is moving. Well not everyone, but it feels that way.

Do I want to go? No not really. Maybe it's because just recently (finally after 14 years of living in HB, OC, CA) that I've begun to accept it. No, it's beyond acceptance. I actually like it. The weather, the people, the food, the activies we are near, it's suburban small town vibe with over 200k people, and the oxymoron of it all. Maybe I like HB the oxymoron because I'm an oxymoron. A boy girl. A black rainbow. Inside outside. Introverted Extrovert. Right brain left brained mess.

California, at least to me anyway, seems more accepting of people of all different backgrounds and beliefs. I like California. There isn't many places I would leave it for. Besides maybe Memphis, TN, New Orleans, LA, or Seattle, Washington. As I travel and become more accustomed to where I live I think my list of places I don't want to live gets exceedingly longer than the places that I do (or would consider.) Does that make me privileged because I've already traveled so many places in my life? Yes, I'm aware that it does.

But even for a well versed traveler, such as myself, thinking about the not so distant future gets me emotional. Knowing we'll graduate college, get "real" jobs, get married, and have kids reminds me of how soon we will all go our separate ways. How soon we will call other towns home. In house we bought ourselves.

I get so anxious about remembering how get to all those new houses (my sense of direction is shitty.) It makes me angry because who knows if I'll leave and if I don't I'll feel left behind. But am I really left behind if I don't want to go? I guess not. Then I guess really I don't want to feel forgotten. I'm worried they'll forget me. A few months without seeing each other will turn into a few years, and a few years will turn into ten. It makes me sad to think of them leaving because maybe Big Mama is right, "Forever is a long time, and time has a way of changing things."

But I hope time only makes our friendships stronger. I hope that distance makes the heart grow fonder. And that the binds we made when we were young can last through the decades yet to come. Most of all though the question is: will I leave this place too and start a life anew somewhere else? Part of me wants to leave and part of me wants to stay. Change is hard for me; it always has been. The longer you live somewhere the deeper your roots grow and it's harder to uproot the tree when you have to leave.

Moving isn't fun. I was the new kid once back when I was 8 and I don't think I ever want to be the new kid again. Besides it's easier when you are a child since children are more resilient but I'm 22 now. An adult.

In any case the uncertainty of friends moving to far off places where unfamiliar faces roam makes my face want to vomit in the toilet. Fucking nerves.

That's all for now. Until next time catch ya on the flip side. 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

When You're Grown

When you're grown maybe you'll understand that all good things end,
That I had to leave,
That camping in the playroom was just make believe,
That there are bigger consequences than having your own space,
That there are bigger responsibilities than wiping your hands and face,
I wish I could tell you all the things I can't say,
Like how I love you and it's hard to walk away,
How life only gets harder, learning gets tougher, and owies come bigger than scrapes on the playground,
How it hurts when people leave, how mending yourself is easier said than done, and how good it feels when someone actually chooses to stick around,
I wish I could tell you to believe in yourself; to let no one push you down,
And if they did I'd tell you to get up and turn right back around,
When you're grown you won't remember me.
You won't remember my look; my voice,
How I criticized your every choice,
When you're grown you won't remember the laughs we shared,
The pictures we took,
Or how enthralled you were with books .
I'll be a light, a fuzzy face in a distant dream,
When you're grown you'll think maybe you imagined me.
But when you're grown you'll remember you were loved.
Loved when you were a little tiny tot.
And to know I was apart of that I don't have to give it much thought,
When you're grown you will know,
You'll have to leave someone you've watched grow,
You'll have to sadly let go and watch someone else take the wheel,
And then you'll know how grown ups feel,
You'll wish for simple days when everything could be cured by hugs,
When the world was filled with excitement and love,
When everything was new and you were so small,
When you were little and had barely lived at all,
When your friends were many and your worries were few,
And when happy endings were abundant and wishes came true.
You'll grow up one day,
It's the truth I say,
But this is true too: I'll always love you!
Even when you're grown and I'm a distant half memory.
Even then my friends.
Yes, even then.
So, here's to the future, to hopes, to dreams
And you becoming the people you were meant to be.
I'm with you. 

That's all for now until next time catch ya on the flip side.

Ps. I know I haven't posted in awhile. I couldn't even post one day for a WEEK! It's lame but I'm busy (but mostly just LAZY as fuck!) Yes I'm aware fuck isn't lazy. But in any case I'm gonna try to post 3 days a week. Thanks for "staying tuned" Love ya 

Thursday, September 8, 2016


Do old memories haunt you? Well they sure as hell haunt me. Rather they never seem to stop haunting me. Running through my high school campus to watch a family friend in a play makes so many memories flood back into my mind like water rushing out of a broken dam. The pool, the laughs, the long practices, the kisses, the drama, and everything him. Will I always look for him there? Probably even though I don't expect him to be. He doesn't like swim. He didn't like high school. But he loved you and it wasn't enough. And the quad where you ate lunch, the different groups, the unshared food, the escalating clapping over nothing at all. Almost 4 years you stood on that hill. In real life it seems like a life time ago. When you run by it it seems like yesterday. The X building, and dance hell, the bomb threat, the APA shows, the  pictures on the wall of people you know frozen in time. The blackbox, sign songs, and the lead up to the stage that you never really had a presence on because no one gave you a chance. The competition too deep, the hurt too much you can barely bare it now. Even four years later. And so it goes onward and onward for forever. High school ends, four years compared to a life time is small, minscule even, but the memories they never stop. They never stop streaming in like nightmares into sleeping little kids' heads. Although, the difference is: they can wake up; it's all make believe. I can't, this is my reality. Memories go away. Come again another day. I'm over you. That's all for now until next time catch ya on the flip side. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Disney Tag

#1 Favorite Princess
Pocahontas or Mulan except technically she's not a princess.
#2 Favorite Prince
Aladdin (he becomes a prince in the 2nd movie okay)
#3 Favorite Couple
Maid Marian and Robin Hood
#4 Least Favorite Princess
Anna (she's way too popular) 
#5 Least Favorite Prince
Hans because he's evil!!! 
#6 Least Favorite Couple
Hans and Anna, because doom.
#7 Favorite Dress/Outfit
Tinkerbell or Peter Pan
#8 Least Favorite Dress/Outfit
Ariel's wedding dress. *throws up a little bit in mouth*
#9 A Princess Who Inspires You
Mulan and Pocahontas. 
#10 Worst Decision Made by a Princess
Wendy's decision to leave Neverland. I'm waiting for you to rescue me Peter! *sighs*
#11 A Villain You Feel Was Justified in Their Treatment of [the] Princess/Prince
Okay don't kill me but Scar. He was never going to be King not with both Mufasa and Simba in the way. Messed up? Hell ya! Totally wrong absolutely. But makes 100% sense when you consider he's the younger brother. 
#12 A Princess You Would Like to Trade Places With
Tinkerbell. (Yes I know she's not really a princess) 
#13 A Princess Whose Life You Would Hate to Have
Elsa's. She's spends most of her life in isolation. Plus she has ice powers. I hate snow. Ps. I know she's a queen most of the movie. 
#14 A Princess You Think is a Bad Role Model for Young Girls
Alice. That movies awesome, but all sorts of fucked up. 
#15 Favorite Tiara
Idk I never really paid attention to their tiaras
#16 Favorite Song Sung by a Princess (can include duets)
Reflection or Just Around the Riverbend 
#17 Least Favorite Song Sung by a Princess (can include duets)
Someday My Prince Will Come. Tbh: Snow White's voice is just annoying. 
#18 The Princess With Whom You Would  Be Best Friends
Ariel, Belle, or Jasmine
#19 The Princess With Whom You Would Be Frenemies
#20 The Princess You Would Openly Hate and Be Enemies With
Snow White 
#21 The Princess You Would Dress As for a Halloween/Costume Party
I've been many before my fav was probably Mulan. 
#22 List Three Admirable Qualities About the Princess You Named on Question number #4
Dedicated, Loving, Funny. 
#23 A Princess You Feel Didn’t Deserve Her Happy Ending
The happy ending is the main component. So wether they deserved it or not is a totally obsolete question.
#24 The Happy Ending You Feel Didn’t Make Sense/Was Too Easy
Aurora's is easy for her but not for any of the other characters so I pick her. 
#25 Favorite Sidekick
Iago or Lafou 
#26 Most Interesting Story
Fox and the Hound
#27 Best Singing Voice
#28 Edge of Your Seat: The Moment You Find Most Exciting
Pocahontas running to save John Smith
#29 If You Were a Disney Princess, What Would Your Story Be?
Girl/boy who overcomes social norms and learns to be herself.
#30 What Do You Want to See from the Next Disney Princess?
A Mexican princess with a feature film and a lesbian or bi princess.

I'd love to hear your answers to some (or all of these questions.) That's all for now. Until next time catch you on the flip side. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

New Shit, Same Blog

Yo, Ky here. I'm aware I haven't posted an actual blog post in a LOOOOONNNGGGG ass time. (Well except for that review of Midnight in Paris I had to post for school but that doesn't really count.) Sorry for being MIA but life is busy.


Dated a drug addict (Heroin) I hate him, not going back ever

Found a more comfortable gender identity and name: Ky, Bigender, They/Them pronouns. Slowly asking people to call me that. It's a process. I'm aware it's a strange concept to most. I don't expect everyone to call me that and that's okay. But if you can, my dear readers, that would stellar. If you have any questions about this topic feel free to email me.

Got an Associates of Arts Degree!!! Woo hoo! Baby steps.

Picked a career path to pursue: Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Got a new BF who is soooo AMAZING! (If you're reading this babe love you)

So, here's the DEALIO, I'm going to post once a day. Big commitment but it will really exercise my writing which is obvy something I'm passionate about.

Post Schedule*
Sunday: Hot Topic (I don't like news really but a little is necessary I think. Plus I did journalism once. Let's do it again.)
Monday: Meter Mondays (When I do a poem blog post. Today is the exception of course.)
Tuesday: Tag Tuesdays (When I answer questions from tags you would see on YouTube. It's way easier here though because no video editing)
Wednesday: TBD (Possibly same as Friday)
Thursday: " "
Friday: Freewrite Fridays (When I write, or rant rather about whatever I want.)
Saturday: Story Saturdays (I'll post a chapter or a portion from one of the stories I wrote or am writing. So lucky you if it ever gets published you get a FREE sneak peak. Free is my favorite price.)

*Note: Post Schedule is subject to change at my discretion, but I'll try to give you guys warning and stay true to the form

I'm looking forward to this. Not sure where it will lead, but isn't that just like the rest of life. I think so. That's all for now. Until next time catch ya on the flip side.