Friday, August 16, 2013

Feeling You, Like Never Before

I've never felt this way,
Not about a person like you,
I want nothing more than to,
Be beside you,
Hold your hand in mine,
Embrace you in my arms,
And feel your lips on mine,
Take smiling pictures together,
Cuddle together,
Stay up late talking about everything,
And nothing at all,
In times when we have to be apart,
Saying I miss you,
And all that mushy goodness,
That's a fantasy I know,
Nothing's that perfect,
But on seeing you,
I just... knew,
I just fell,
From where I don't know,
I fell hard,
And I know that's foolish,
But it seems to be my thing,
Blindly throwing myself at anyone,
But you aren't just anyone,
You are you and that's enough,
Hell it's more than enough!
What do I like about you?
All of you,
But you're so far away,
Part of me keeps wishing I'll see you soon,
The other part knows it can never be,
Part of me wants you to see this,
And the part worries when you do it will be too much,
It will push it over the edge,
You'll declare me crazy,
And never speak to me again,
But I have to put these feelings somewhere,
If I keep them inside any longer,
I'll explode,
Not literally,
But I just can't keep it inside,
Not anymore,
This opens more doors I can't close,
Asks more questions I can't answer,
But I'd embrace a world of confusion,
Thousands of hating eyes,
Just to have a shot with you,
I'm trying not to let the labels define me,
If I don't try I'll never know,
So just let me in,
Just let me try,

That's all for now. Until next time catch you on the flip side.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


I'm falling for you. I feel it in my soul. I don't want it to be this way, because in falling I've found more pain than gain. In listening to my heart I've been broken too many times. Shattered across the floor into little tiny pieces, abandoned, to have to pick up all the pieces by myself. But the other part of me is ready to take that chance. Ready to jump right in, weather I sink or swim. Ready to hold you tight, kiss you in the dark of the night, and call you mine. And mine alone. But I'm afraid you'll uncover something unlikable and flee. Leaving me all alone once more. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. I want to believe you're really good, in your heart of hearts. But I don't know if I believe anymore, in happily ever after. That good really conquers evil. I think maybe good and bad just live together in a weird constant tug of war. Sometimes bad is stronger and other times it's good, but no one ever pulls too hard and no one ever wins. As for you, I know this much, I think you're cute, I feel safe in your arms, you make me smile, and I think the biggest tell tell sign is that right now I miss you. So, next time I see you we'll just have to see, if us is what's supposed to be. Until then though catch you on the flip side.